By completing the registration process, you and your player agree to the following terms and conditions for participating in Imagination Academy Soccer Club:
All Registration Fees are Non-Refundable!
Registration Fee and Team Fees: The Player agrees to pay all fees in full by the specified deadline. Failure to submit payment may result in exclusion from participation in team activities, including games and practices.
Full-Year Commitment: Player registration is for a full year – August through July – and covers participation in all scheduled games, practices, and team events within the designated soccer season.
Amendment of Terms: Imagination Academy Soccer Club reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. Notice of changes will be provided to players in writing.
Attendance and Participation: Players are expected to attend all scheduled practices, games, and team events unless excused by the coach or team manager. Failure to attend may impact playing time and team dynamics.
Eligibility: Players must meet the eligibility criteria set forth by the Maryland State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA). It is the player’s responsibility to ensure they meet these criteria, including age requirements and any other qualifications specified.
Code of Conduct: Players agree to abide by the code of conduct set forth by Imagination Academy Soccer Club and Maryland State Youth Soccer Association. This includes adhering to fair play principles, respecting teammates, coaches, officials, and opponents, and maintaining a positive attitude both on and off the field.
Equipment and Uniform: Players are responsible for obtaining and maintaining their required soccer equipment and team uniform as specified by Imagination Academy Soccer Club. This includes uniforms, appropriate footwear, shin guards, and any other mandatory gear.
Injury Waiver: The Player acknowledges and accepts all risks associated with participating in soccer activities. Imagination Academy, its affiliates, and sponsors are not liable for any injuries, damages, or losses incurred during team activities.
Photo and Video Release: By registering for the team, the Player grants Imagination Academy Soccer Club permission to use photographs, videos, or other media featuring the player for promotional purposes.
Dispute Resolution: Any disputes or conflicts arising from player registration or participation will be resolved by the procedures outlined by Imagination Academy Soccer Club.